
Translate german words in english
Translate german words in english

translate german words in english

In fact, there are all kinds of glasses in whimsical shapes and sizes depending on what kind of beer is served to you and in which region. Germans don’t really drink from Steins that much. Oktoberfest actually takes place in September.Some people in southern Germany might do that for beer festivals, going to church or for a wedding. Most of us don’t dress up in a Dirndl or Lederhosen when drinking.This tradition is specific to Munich alone! There are also a lot of different beer festivals in the south of Germany. Not all Germans celebrate Oktoberfest.

translate german words in english

While I can’t deny that Germans do love their beer (not me though, sorry, I’m a cider kind of gal), there are some misconceptions we should clear up about German beer-drinking culture. What you should say in German: Krug, Humpen or Maß But before throwing out German, it’s worth making sure you’re not accidentally saying German phrases native speakers never use. And that might be why there are quite a few English words exported to German, and vice versa. And yet, they still have some camaraderie, being descended from the Germanic family tree. The languages broke off from each other over a thousand years ago, and they’ve both changed quite a bit in the meantime. This may have led you to think that German would be a piece of cake to learn, only to be shocked by how different the two are. You might already know that the English language is related to German.

Translate german words in english